Policy counsel and fashion law professor Kenya Wiley penned an opinion piece for WWD on why brands and retailers must make data protection...

Policy counsel and fashion law professor Kenya Wiley penned an opinion piece for WWD on why brands and retailers must make data protection...
Kenya recently penned an opinion piece for Protocol on how to protect civil and human rights in the metaverse. These new virtual spaces,...
Fashion Policy Counsel and Professor Kenya Wiley participated in the annual Fashion Law Africa Summit on June 12—alongside business...
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the 2021 National Recycling Strategy on November 15, titled “Part One of a Series...
Fashion Policy Counsel and Professor Kenya Wiley recently participated in a panel discussion at Fordham Law School’s 29th Annual IPLJ...
Fashion Policy Counsel and Professor Kenya Wiley will join the Global Fashion Agenda’s Copenhagen Fashion Summit, CFS+ on October 7. Kenya...
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